In which formats is Miss Nightingale available?
The show is available in person, live-streamed, and as a video recording. All presentations include extemporaneous audience QA with Miss Nightingale…and a reveal and follow-up as Candy Campbell. (Pre-recorded video includes selected questions.)
What is the presentation running time?
The public performances run 60-90 minutes, depending upon number of audience QA. For association / private performances, in person or live-streamed presentations are customized to your theme and can run up to 90 minutes.
Is the show suitable for young audiences? If so, do you have a study guide for teachers?
YES and YES! Children ages 7 and up have thoroughly enjoyed this show. Educational performances can be arranged.
Will Ms. Campbell do a book-signing?
Candy will gladly do a book-signing, as herself, with your pre-purchased copies of Channeling Florence Nightingale: Integrity, Insight, Innovation. (No book-signings in costume.)
What are your staging and prop requirements?
Happily, Miss Nightingale learned long ago to travel light! Candy, also, has presented the show in various venues. You will provide: a small round table, 1 high-backed chair, an ottoman or footstool, a glass of (flat) water on the table, and a small basket. See your contract agreement under Tech Rider for more details.
How can a presenter hire Candy Campbell as Florence Nightingale?
Please go to CONTACT page or CALL 202-519-1311